Be What's Missing

mindset yoga Jan 24, 2025

As a yoga teacher, I spend most of my time telling people how to move, breathe, and act - both on and off the mat. But here’s the kicker: sometimes I don’t take my own advice.

When I demo an arm balance, I almost always go for my “good side.” The side that makes me look like I’ve got it all figured out because *cough* ego - and hips! I’ll tell my students to practice on both sides, throwing in a serious, “Do what I say, not what I do!”

But recently, I caught myself thinking: How can I ask my students to take the hard route when I’m over here taking the shortcut? So often, we want the world to change. But if we’re not willing to inspire change in ourselves, how can we expect to inspire anyone else?

This is the ugly truth of “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.”

Before Changing the World, Start With Yourself

It’s not hard to see what’s wrong with the world. Injustice, suffering, power plays—it’s all right there, glaringly obvious. You want to do something, anything, but it feels overwhelming. Where do you even start?

Here’s the thing: if you don’t start with yourself, you won’t have the energy or clarity to help others. Think about those pre-flight instructions you hear every time you board a plane: “Put your oxygen mask on first before helping others.”

It’s not because airlines want you to be selfish; it’s because if you’re gasping for air, you’re not much help to anyone else.

So, start with your own life. Take a good, honest look and ask yourself:

  • What small injustices in my life can I address right now?
  • What dreams am I holding back on that are keeping me from living fully?
  • What toxic relationships am I clinging to when I should be finding the strength to let go?
  • What conversations am I avoiding?

Change begins one breath at a time. When you transform your own life, even in small ways, you create space to ripple that transformation outward.

Be the initiator

The world mirrors you as much as you mirror the world. The energy you project comes back to you, often magnified.

You’ve probably heard the phrase: “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” While most people interpret this as a warning to choose your circle wisely, let’s flip it around. What if you are one of those five for someone else?

The actions you bring to the table influence not just your circle but the circles beyond them. So instead of crossing your arms and wishing for the world to fix itself, be the one to start the ripple. Be the spark that lights the fireworks.

You don’t need to wait for permission. Be the example!

Accept What You Can’t Change (For Now)

While you can influence a lot, there are some things you simply can’t change. At least not yet.

The trick isn’t to give up; it’s to reframe how you approach those unchangeable things. For example, you want a perfectly straight handstand, but your shoulders still need some mobility work before that’s even an option. Does that mean you give up on your handstand dream? Nope. You just keep working on your banana back version while chipping away at your shoulder flexibility. 

When you accept what you can’t change in the moment, you’re not quitting. You’re just shifting your focus temporarily, trusting that progress is still being made.

Conclusion: You’re the Change

The world is a giant tapestry, and every action taken is a thread. When you change yourself—your habits, your mindset, your approach—you weave something new into that tapestry.

So, let your own growth be the starting point. Be kind, be bold, and keep showing up for yourself and others.

This is exactly the reason why I started Yogi Flight School: to help people understand that, what seems impossible, it is not! And now I have my students inspiring each other and myself every day and this ripple effect just fills my heart.

Now go out there and be the light switch, the starting note, the spark. For yourself first, then for others. The world is waiting, and the stage is yours.

What is the change you would like to see in your life and in the world?


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