Consistency: The Key To Success

Everyone is looking for the key to "success."

Whatever "success" means to you....because it's different for each of us.

Maybe you've been dreaming about nailing your first arm balance, landing that promotion at work, realizing a financial milestone, or simply building good lifestyle habits.

Maybe you have a vision and have already formulated a plan to make those goals a reality. 

Perhaps you've even put that plan in motion.

But if you're like most people…life happens, obstacles arise, and your commitment wains shortly after you begin.

And when we fall off the proverbial wagon of our commitment, it's super common for us to blame our lack of success on everything (or everyone) else:

  • Your arms are too weak and you don't have time for arm balances.
  • It's your employers fault for overlooking you as a candidate for that position you've been dying to land.
  • Your car broke down and you've inherited a large repair bill, so your savings have dwindled - obviously, that's not your fault.

In these cases, you've unknowingly given your power away to circumstance and are left simply hoping that it works out in your favor rather than buckling down and putting in the work that's really needed to achieve your goals.

The truth is, if a recipe for success existed it requires one key ingredient: CONSISTENCY.

Showing up for yourself consistently is the key to success.

Thomas Edison said: “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time”.

Consistency creates perseverance, the fuel that keeps you going despite the bumps in the road, the spring that makes you jump higher to overcome an obstacle.

It is the hand that dusts you off when you fall over so that you can get up and start again. One. More. Time.

And let's be real - consistency is not the ONLY thing we need.

Throw in a pinch of support, a dash of grace for the moments you fall a little short (IE: the right mindset), and a sprinkle of self love, and you'll be well on your way to cooking up one delicious dose of success. 

If you keep showing up, happy to be on your unique journey instead of waiting for your happiness to occur after you’ve reached your goal, it's only a matter of time until you are living your dreams.

All the power to make your dreams come true already exists inside you.

Consistency is a skill and can be trained. It is a decision that you make day in and day out to stay the course - but it's complete within your power to do so.

Let’s take the example of arm balances.

How do some people become a pro at them?

They appear to move effortlessly, not a single shake in their breath, and you think it must be a talent, or they must have a genetic predisposition to being awesome at standing on their hands....or they MUST have been gymnasts as children....

But in reality, what you see is the result of consistency.

They didn’t dangle the carrot of something they really wanted in front of themselves and then say: “I'm too tired. I'm too busy. I'll do it tomorrow.” 

They said: "Let's f*cking do it, even though I'm tired, even though I'm busy---right now."

What you don't see are the hours, days, and months of practice.

You don’t know about the face plants and temptation to give up, that they wiped away with determination.

They used every little win as an incentive to move forward, and every failure as an indication of what to do differently. 

Finally nailing the poses of your dreams writes a new story of how you can overcome every challenge you will meet in the future.

When I teach arm balances and inversions, I give my students a clear path to their goal and the most detailed instruction on how to get there.

I celebrate each face plant and fall, because it means they tried, and from that fall they learn what worked and what did not.

I ask them only for this: Show up. Do the work. Never give up.

Where in your life do you say you want something, but then you aren't showing up for yourself?

How many times do you consider failure an end point instead of an opportunity to learn and grow?

Only YOU have the power to change your life and make your goals a reality, my friend.

Whatever you want to create for yourself, show up consistently and trust that in showing up, you'll find success.

Are you curious about which arm balances and inversions you can achieve with a little consistency?

The time is now! Grab my free arm balance training here!


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