How Yoga Teachers Can Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Two Proven Methods

mindset yoga Oct 10, 2024

Understanding Imposter Syndrome.

Do you ever think, "I’m not good enough," or "Who am I to share this with people? There are others who know so much more than me." When I first started teaching yoga, I struggled a lot with imposter syndrome. It took time to stop the self-doubt and finally feel like I belonged among my peers.

Although I'm speaking directly to my fellow yoga teachers here, this message applies to everyone. Whether you're a new yoga teacher leading your first class (or doing something else for the first time), or an experienced teacher aiming to level up your practice, you may have felt this uncertainty running the show for you too.

If the fear of being judged or failing holds you back, even when everything inside and around you screams "Do it!", you might be experiencing imposter syndrome.

If others believe in you, but deep down you still feel like a fraud, constantly afraid of being "found out," this message is for you. Imposter syndrome, my friend, is a great example of your mindset holding you back. And let’s be clear—it's not really a syndrome. There's nothing wrong with you; you're not sick, you're just scared.

The mistake we often make is thinking that being competent means feeling confident all the time. We hold onto this unreasonable belief that we’re not ready, that we need to be perfect before we start teaching, or that we’re simply unqualified.

Here’s the truth: you already know enough, and your confidence will grow with experience. Remember, you just need to know a little more than the person you're teaching. Even the most seasoned yoga teachers can still feel butterflies before teaching a class. Though those butterflies feel like fear, what if they’re also excitement?

Teaching yoga is a skill you already possess as a yoga teacher. Teaching with confidence comes from recognizing that skill within yourself and practicing it!

Two Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome as a Yoga Teacher:

  1. Start with Ahimsa: Practice Compassion for Yourself

    When facing challenges, can you start from a place of self-compassion and love? After all, no one knows everything! In fact, would you rather learn from someone who is hungry for knowledge, who evolves their teaching with new insights and humility? Or from someone who believes they know it all, which could stunt your own growth as their student?

    Most of us would choose the former, and that's likely you as a yoga teacher. So, give yourself some grace. Allow yourself the permission to stumble and be less-than-perfect. This vulnerability is what will draw your students to you. They'll see themselves in your journey.

  2. Make Your Message Bigger Than Your Fears

    Right now, you’re probably focusing on the wrong things. You're placing your insecurities at the center and making your success the focus. But that’s not why you started teaching yoga, is it? You started because you have a purpose—to help people on and off the mat. When you reconnect with this purpose, your fears take a backseat to the positive impact you’re capable of.

Start by creating evidence that you are already making a difference.

Begin small: make a difference for one person, two people, three people. Offer a free workshop, help a friend or a family member, or guide another student in a class you're attending. Stay within your comfort zone at first, and then gently push beyond it.

While some say, "Fake it 'til you make it," I say, "Do it 'til you believe it." Focus on making a small difference, and little by little, you’ll see the difference you're making in others’ lives. This is how you'll come to understand and believe that you're meant to be here, teaching yoga.

You got this, this is why you started in the first place.

My "why" is helping people conquer their fears and achieve their dream yoga poses. Ready to break free from your limiting beliefs and take flight on and off the mat? Grab my free arm balance training here!


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