Parents of Yogi Flight School: Part II

member features Sep 21, 2021

Being a parent who takes time to invest in yourself is not easy, but it's well worth it.

Don't take it from me. Let the stories and advice from the badass ninja moms featured in this blog be a testament to that concept. Their experience at Yogi Flight School has positively affected each of their lives in one way or another, and they are living proof of the power of believing in yourself and trusting the process.


Mom of two children - 15yrs & 10yrs

How has your participation in Yogi Flight School affected your children?
Eldest is embarrassed 😂, younger one joins in with the arm balances and inversions.

What advice do you have for parents who want to join Yogi Flight School, but are concerned about the time, energy, and financial investment?
Financial investment: definitely worth every penny! With lifetime access, you have the flexibility to dive deep as soon as you join in or do a little bit at a time - there's no time pressure. Energy: I have more of it 😊. Time: this is a difficult one for me as I teach full time (primary school), I give music lessons 2 times a week and run kickboxing with training 2 times a week. My practice is literally a couple of minutes here and there - just before jumping into bed, I'll pop into a crow pose or Eka pada bakasana just once. On rare occasions or during school holidays, I'll have a little more time.

Do you have any additional thoughts to share that may not have been covered in the previous questions?
I found that doing arm balances takes your mind off other things. I often worry about things I can't control e.g. irrational fear of getting seriously I'll etc. But, because you have to concentrate so hard in arm balances, I find that my mind can't think stupid thoughts and by the time I've finished the practice, my mind has cleared.  

Also, as a parent, I think it's great for children to see us practicing, working on something, failing, and then getting back up and keep trying until you get it right.


Mom of two children - 1yr & 4yr

How has your participation in Yogi Flight School affected you as a parent?
Made me a lot more present, how you do one thing is how you do everything right?

How has your participation in Yogi Flight School affected your children?
She loves watching me practice and because I'm more present with her. She seems happier.

What advice do you have for parents who want to join Yogi Flight School, but are concerned about the time, energy, and financial investment?
You don't need lots of time. It may take longer but you can still get there. And having that time to yourself is essential and doing something to reach your yoga goals makes it feel awesome. We need some wins and fun times too.


Mom of two boys - 3yr & 9yr

How has your participation in Yogi Flight School affected you as a parent?
Since my little son was born, I have tried to take one hour a day as the time for me. Before I came to yoga it was HIIT Training, then yoga, and then yogi flight school. It was super important for me not only to have the role of a mum and housewife. I have a university degree in economics and a good job. Parents' time has great sides but it also can be super boring after a time and it was a challenge for my ego. I love my kids up to the moon and back but I need more than that to be happy. 

In Germany, you normally have a kindergarten for the small kids and the elder can stay at school the full day. So normally you can manage your job and family. Because we work both full-time and have no helping family around, that system of childcare is super important for us. It is stressful sometimes but it works. And then came Corona. The time of the first lockdown with home office, homeschooling, and without kindergarten has been super hard for three months. And all the time after that it was still an on-off. You couldn’t plan anything. So actually I've been in the home office for one and a half years now. 

Yogi flight school saved me at that time. On the one hand, it was something concrete, aimed to concentrate on, to focus and it was quality time for me, and on the other hand, it was so good for finding the right mindset to deal with that crazy situation - Stack your shit but also open to grace. 

How has your participation in Yogi Flight School affected your children?
Yeah, I think a mum that does yoga, sports, and some freaky ninja stuff, is much more entertaining than normal mums and a Good example in couch potato times. We often play “who knows another yoga animal“. My little one is super stretchy but I get the big one by teaching him to come to clown. I learned so much from Nathania and sometimes I can give something further. That’s so great, isn’t it?

What advice do you have for parents who want to join Yogi Flight School, but are concerned about the time, energy, and financial investment?
If you need some quality time for yourself, invest it here. Do you have no time? You have. It’s a question of priority and engagement. Do you have no energy? Nothing gives you more energy than mastering a Ninja pose or coming out of a handstand lesson. Investment? To invest in your own growth is the only one that makes really sense.


Amy Vialpando

Mom of two children - 14yr & 16yr

How has your participation in Yogi Flight School affected you as a parent?
It has given me and one of my kiddos something to do together! 

How has your participation in Yogi Flight School affected your children?
I think it shows my kids that with work and dedication you can do hard things. And that is ok to fall, it's part of the process. 

What advice do you have for parents who want to join Yogi Flight School, but are concerned about the time, energy, and financial investment?
The benefits will far outweigh your concerns. This can be the time you spend together as a family (it's like playing! And teaches safety planning, etc). The cost is a one-time cost, so nothing recurring, energy repays itself. The confidence you'll gain will feed other areas of your life. Totally worth everything I've invested. The benefits I've received far exceed the investment. 



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