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YFS Student FAQs.

Click on the links below to jump straight to the answers to your questions. You will find info on this page about:

If you are NOT a YFS student (YET!) and have some questions before deciding to enroll, click here to jump to our Non-Student FAQs section.

Questions about the YFS APP

Questions about the YFS Live Classes

Questions about Billing

Pregnant or Dealing with an Injury?

General Questions

Course-Specific Questions

Take me to the contact form.

Not a YFS Student Yet?

Here you will find our most commonly asked questions about:

Is YFS the Program For You?

General Questions about YFS

Questions about Refund Policies and Payment Options

Still have questions?

We'd love to chat! Fill out this form and we will be in touch with you within 24 hours.

You can also email us directly at [email protected]

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