The Ultimate Guide to Arm Balances and Inversions!

Struggling to hold balance on your hands and upside down?

Get answers to the things that are keeping you stuck!

  • How much core strength do I really need?
  • Why do my wrists hurt and how do I make it stop?
  • How to I prevent from falling in arm balances & inversions?
  • How do I figure out body awareness upside down?
  • Why can't I hold balance for more than 2 seconds?
  • How do I take my inversions OFF THE WALL?

I've compiled the answers to the most burning questions I've been asked over my years of teaching 10,000+ people to fly on their hands and upside down.

Grab this doc and get flying, completely free!

The Ultimate Guide to
Arm Balances and Inversions 🤸‍♀️

Click here to get the PDF!

Struggling to hold balance on your hands and upside down?

Get answers to the things that are keeping you stuck!

  • How much core strength do I really need?
  • Why do my wrists hurt and how do I make it stop?
  • How to I prevent from falling in arm balances & inversions?
  • How do I figure out body awareness upside down?
  • Why can't I hold balance for more than 2 seconds?
  • How do I take my inversions OFF THE WALL?

I've compiled the answers to the most burning questions I've been asked over my years of teaching 10,000+ people to fly on their hands and upside down.

Grab this doc and get flying, completely free!

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