Nail your first (or next) arm balance & inversion in just days!

Nail your first (or next) arm balance & inversion in just days!

Unlock arm balances & inversions with the proven method 10,000+ yogis have used to fly in record time, without more flexibility or strength!


Unlock arm balances & inversions with the proven method 10,000+ yogis have used to fly in record time, without more flexibility or strength!

You see people flying and think,

“Damn I want to do THAT!”

But when it’s time to arm balance or handstand in yoga class, there are 2 ways you get stuck….

You have NO IDEA
what to do 🤷‍♀️

You see everyone effortlessly popping into inversions…

While you’re at the back of the class wondering, "how the F do they do it?!"

“Maybe my wrists are too weak or butt’s too big for this...” you think.

So you hide in Child’s Pose because the LAST thing you want is to fall and look like an idiot in front of everyone. 🙈🙈

You can get into the pose, but can’t HOLD it 🤬

It’s happening! You’re doing a handsta….

Aaaand your feet are back to the floor before you can say “handstand.”

WTF!!! Why can’t you get more than a half a second of balance before your feet come back down!?

Meanwhile, Lululemon Lady next to you is holding a Scorpion like it’s nuthin.

What are you missing!? 😫

It's no wonder!

Most yoga classes give you 3 minutes or less at the end of class to play around with your arm balances...

More often than that, the teacher says “if you have the arm balance in your practice, take it now.”

But they don’t teach you the details of exactly HOW to get into the pose.

They might demonstrate what they can do and you are left shaking your head…. Or laughing because….

There’s no actual way your body is gonna do that….is there!?

The truth is... many yoga teachers are talented at practicing arm balances and inversions, but they don’t know how to TEACH them in a way that makes sense so you can replicate them in your body.   

To add insult to injury, after they give you a few cues that don’t work for you, there’s no way for you to find out where you’re going wrong!

You try, you practice, but "practice, and all is coming” only works if you practice the right things.

If you have no freakin’ clue what you’re doing wrong, practice only makes it worse by reinforcing bad habits and poor technique.

So you keep doing the same thing… whether that’s being glued to the floor, or smashing your face, or hovering for half a second in your handstand before falling out.


Even with the right technique, many people STILL struggle to fly. Why??

I’ll be honest - the reason isn’t what you think it is.

Nobody ever talks about it.

Which is a real shame, since it’s the Big Thing standing in your way…


Even though you WANT to fly, you may be freaked out thinking:

“What if I end up face first on the floor?”

“My body refuses to do Crow. There's no way my scrawny little arms are going to hold me up.”

“I can’t get my handstand off the wall because I'm not even balancing it AT the wall yet.”

It doesn’t matter HOW good your technique is if these types of thoughts hold you back...

Because arm balancing requires you to go past the point of fear....

AND to let go of the things you THINK are holding you back.

And I totally understand what you’re going through.

It took me 5 LONG YEARS to unlock my handstand….

Not because my BODY couldn't do it....but because I was holding myself back.

We don't know each other yet, friend....

But I would bet on the fact that you're probably holding on to similar thoughts as I had before I finally unlocked that elusive handstand.

So let's 👏🏼 clear 👏🏼 something 👏🏼 up…

If you think you struggle to fly because:

Your wrists are too weak
You're not strong enough
You need to work on your core
You're not flexible
You think you're gonna hurt yourself
You believe you're too old
You've only just started yoga
You don't have enough time to figure it out

These are just stories you're telling yourself.

We call these “limiting beliefs.” 

They are not FACTS.

Your wrists are too weak
You're not strong enough
You need to work on your core
You're not flexible
You think you're gonna hurt yourself
You believe you're too old
You've only just started yoga
You don't have enough time to figure it out

These are just stories you're telling yourself.

We call these “limiting beliefs.” 

They are not FACTS.

People of all ages, shapes, and sizes are flying in the bodies they have, and are doing it FAST. Like....within DAYS of starting the practice.


When you see people levitating their feet off the ground...
It's easy to think you need the strength of an Olympic gymnast...
But truly, it’s not about your strength.

There are just 3 simple things you need to fly on your hands and upside down...that you don't get in yoga class:

Step-by-Step Detailed Guidance

NOBODY can do it with mediocre cues like “Put your hands here, now lift your feet.”

You need to know what every part of your body should be doing... 

From putting your hands on the mat using the “palm lock” that stabilizes weak wrists, to getting airborne using your “unique tipping point” technique.

If you try an arm balance in class and immediately wonder "where does my leg go?"

"How am I supposed to get the second foot to lift?

Then it's safe to say....you are not getting the step-by-step instructions you NEED.

The right technique

Arm balancing is about physics, and understanding where you need to put your body parts in order to sustain balance - and more importantly, HOW to do that.

Most people try to arm balance like first photo above - with their entire center of gravity behind their base.

If you’ve been looking for “the secret” to inversions and arm balances, THIS IS IT!

Without getting your center of gravity in the right place, it feels heavy and hard because
you’re fighting gravity the whole time.

I’ve been practicing yoga for over a decade, and even I couldn’t fly from this position.

What you need is the right mechanics and technique for every pose.

When you stack your bones in the right position, lean past the “Oh Shit” point, apply your anti-faceplant braking system, your toes lift off by themselves - like magic!

Fix what you’re doing wrong

I practiced my face off for 5 years, desperately trying to balance my handstand.

Turns out, I was practicing the WRONG THINGS.

When you’re upside down trying to figure out where your body parts go and trying to remember to breathe, it’s really hard to know what you’re doing wrong.

And unless you know what you need to fix, you can’t fix it!

Personalized coaching eliminates this problem.... but in a yoga class with 3 minutes to spare and 20 students in the room....

The yoga teacher simply can't give you the attention you need to make major improvements in a short time.

So they'll tell you to "keep practicing" or "maybe work on your core a little bit more..."

And you sit there, dejected...because another yoga class has gone by where your handstand didn't happen.

And instead of recognizing that you simply did not get good instruction...naturally, your limiting beliefs kick back in (because that's what the human brain does!)

"I must be too heavy."
"I must need more shoulder/core strength."

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Every day, non-gymnast yogis like you are NAILING balance on their hands like actual ninjas!

"Little history about me. I am 255 lbs of fluff and butt...I had my in person class for today and summoned enough energy for warmup and crow modules. Honestly I didn't think I would do as well as I did. Crow takes a lot out of me and my core is not as strong... yet. Thank you YFS. I never thought to look down and check that my wrist and elbows were aligned! GAME CHANGER."

Here's the thing you get to understand:

The yoga mat is a mirror for your life.

What happens on your mat....also happens off your mat. 

How are you holding yourself back everywhere?

Whatever you tell yourself about not being strong enough, flexible enough, young enough to fly on your hands....

You're most likely telling yourself that you're not good enough, smart enough, rich enough, beautiful enough.... to do something else you want to do in your life.

How is your mindset stopping you from going after what you REALLY want?

If you’re holding back in yoga, I practically guarantee you’re limiting yourself in other areas too, like:

➜  Not going after the dream job

➜  Staying in crappy relationships

➜  Keeping quiet when you want to speak your mind

➜  People pleasing instead of being true to yourself

➜  Living in the same town, when you really want to move

➜  Not booking the damn vacation you’ve always dreamed of

Facing your limiting beliefs on your mat means you conquer them IN YOUR LIFE!

Because how you do one thing is how you do everything.

And the thing standing between you and basically everything you want is your mind.

Overcoming the idea that you ‘can’t’ do something in yoga gives you skills to bust through that everywhere else.

Rustling up the courage to lean into the fear and fly turns you into BADASS in every area of your life.

The confidence you find when you’re like “Fuck yes! I just did THAT!” follows you around everywhere.

I'm Nathania (Nat for short), and I've taught over TEN THOUSAND people to fly.

Years before I figured out my handstand for myself, I was right where you are now…

Struggling to nail and hold cool poses...

Totally frustrated by the idea that it was gonna take months and years to get stronger and more flexible (turns out I didn't even need to worry about that).

I remember watching in awe as the lady next to me in class effortlessly glided from Downward Dog into a Scorpion Handstand 😱

Are you freaking kidding me? How did she DO that?!

As I mentioned earlier, it took 5 long years to figure it out.

And to be honest, I barely made any progress during most of that time.

I practiced useless drills for YEARS… I thought the best way to get my handstand to the middle of the room was to perfect it at the wall first (not the case!!)

I gave up my power to my stories (“my arms are too short!”) which ended up being nonsense….

Until I had my Big Breakthrough which changed everything (more on this in a sec).

Once I had my breakthrough, I couldn't un-see what I saw.

So I developed my own unique methodology to teach normal humans like me what took me 5+ years to learn....

Skyrocketing their practice in a matter of weeks, instead of the YEARS that it could take with traditional methods.

With my science-based approach, people start balancing from their very first practice...

This method is called....

Years before I figured out my handstand for myself, I was right where you are now…

Struggling to nail and hold cool poses...

Totally frustrated by the idea that it was gonna take months and years to get stronger and more flexible (turns out I didn't even need to worry about that).

I remember watching in awe as the lady next to me in class effortlessly glided from Downward Dog into a Scorpion Handstand 😱

Are you freaking kidding me? How did she DO that?!

As I mentioned earlier, it took 5 long years to figure it out.

And to be honest, I barely made any progress during most of that time.

I practiced useless drills for YEARS… I thought the best way to get my handstand to the middle of the room was to perfect it at the wall first (not the case!!)

I gave up my power to my stories (“my arms are too short!”) which ended up being nonsense….

Until I had my Big Breakthrough which changed everything (more on this in a sec).

Once I had my breakthrough, I couldn't un-see what I saw.

So I developed my own unique methodology to teach normal humans like me what took me 5+ years to learn....

Skyrocketing their practice in a matter of weeks, instead of the YEARS that it could take with traditional methods.

With my science-based approach, people start balancing from their very first practice...

This method is called....

The Yogi Flight Method®

A REVOLUTIONARY approach to arm balances and inversions based on physics & mechanics that unlocks balance for you WAY faster and more easily than anything you've tried before.

This methodology has now been tested and proven with over 10,000 non-gymnast humans and is the FASTEST and SIMPLEST way to your ninja goals.

Let me tell you why and how it works better than traditional methods of "spend ages getting stronger and more flexible until MAYBE you can balance one day."

The Yogi Flight Method® is based on the physics & mechanics of the poses.

This means is that no matter how much you weigh or what you may have experienced before... the method unlocks balance for you in the body that you have TODAY.

The #1 reason people don't fly is they are not prepared properly....

And they don't UNDERSTAND the DETAILS of what makes balance possible.

The Yogi Flight Method® eliminates that confusion.



Get PRIMED and ready to FLY by warming up your body for the exact movements needed to fly the pose with ease

The strategic breakdown of mechanics and ‘feeling’ the pose in your body before flying so you nail the pose once airborne - even on your first try!

Ensure success by stacking your bones and finding your unique “tipping point” that makes strength, flexibility and body weight irrelevant

Use the “psychology of flying” to manage your mind, trust your body, and develop longer balance as you lean in and fly!

Practicing with
The Yogi Flight Method® means you...

✅  Know how to engage the exact muscles you need for the pose

✅  Understand what to do and HOW to do it

✅  Have a strategy to eliminate your fear of falling

✅  Know exactly how to make your wrists feel strong and secure to hold you up.

If you're reading this and going "Yea, Nat, that sounds great but I know I need to get fitter and practice longer before I can realistically manage these poses."

I get it. Many of my students thought that too....

Like Laura…

“I thought I had to be thinner and stronger before I could do YFS and be successful at fancy poses. Yup, backward!

I'm seeing incremental successes in the fancy poses, a little bit of steady weight loss, and feeling stronger and having more stamina. I'm so glad I found you. You are making a positive difference in my life!"

And Jess…

"I was new-ish to yoga and a complete beginner at flying. I was balancing on my hands within a week and doing headstands away from the wall within 2 weeks.

You don’t need to be super strong, super flexible or super slim to do these amazing poses.
Good coaching, the right technique and the right instruction is what's needed.”

When approached with the Yogi Flight Method®...

All of that becomes irrelevant.

The Yogi Flight Method® makes it possible for a brand new beginner who has NEVER tried standing on their hands to unlock their pose in ONE lesson.

“I started Module 1 today and everything just CLICKED!”

So where can you learn the Yogi Flight® Method and start experiencing the MAGIC for yourself?

I share all of it inside...

Yogi Flight School

The world's most comprehensive online arm balance & inversions course that gets you flying your next dream poses in 14 days or less - or your money back!

Online Yoga Arm Balance Course

✔️ Step-by-step detailed breakdowns for 30+ poses and transitions

✔️ Strategic warmup workbook to prepare your body properly for all pose categories

✔️ Official app where you can download and watch offline

✔️ Training Schedule & Pose Progress Tracker

✔️ Short & Full Length classes to fit any schedule

This program and methodology has now been tested and proven with over 10,000 non-gymnast humans and is the FASTEST way to your ninja goals!

You’ll be standing on your hands from the very first lesson, and mastering dozens of shapes in just weeks!

Our step-by-step trainings are easy for EVERYONE to understand and implement, regardless of age, shape or size.

Whether you’re brand-new to yoga or have been practicing for years, you’ll crush it by following the exact roadmap for each pose and getting personalized feedback for your practice.

And if you’re a yoga teacher who wants to help YOUR students fly, our trademarked method will have clients RAVING about you and coming back to your classes.



how to arm balance online

Watch the Trainings

As soon as you register, you get instant access to over 100 step-by-step videos and strategic warmups.

Start exactly where you are today and begin to unlock balance IMMEDIATELY!

Watch on your computer, tablet or phone through our nifty app!

coaching online yoga course

Get Fast and Effective Coaching!

When you're stuck or need a tip, post a video in the community.

Our coaches are waiting to help you, often in a MATTER OF MINUTES, to tell you exactly what to do next!

No more waiting DAYS for next week's class or some online feedback. We help you almost instantly so that you can apply the tips right away and BOOM! There's your pose.

how to arm balance online


You’ll be flying faster than you ever thought possible:

“It’s true, you really do make progress on Day 1!”

Whether you’re looking to start, deepen your practice, or just learn cool-ass party tricks…
got you!


What are you going to unlock inside
Yogi Flight School?


Modules 1-4


You could be arm balancing your first (or next) pose by the end of the day with our simple and progressive method that gets immediate results!

You’ll get the exact “so simple it’s stupid” step-by-step breakdown videos FOR EVERY arm balance to unlock them in record time.

Starting with crow pose and its variations……
Through revolved arm balances...
To open leg and open hip arm balances.
And you won’t JUST get the individual video breakdown…oh no!

You’ll also get the FULL “insider secrets” masterclasses for each pose where my team of arm balance pros and I coach students on camera and unlock their poses in real time with insanely specific cueing that you can apply to YOUR own practice immediately.

Inside you get…

  How to activate your built-in “suction cups” to make any sized wrist COMPLETELY capable of holding your body weight. It’s a special trick using your hands (no gloves or equipment required!)

  The secret to “floating” into each pose - you'll feel light as a feather, no matter how much you actually weigh

✅  Fly with badass confidence knowing how to fall safely and painlessly

  Game-changing wrist mobility techniques that eliminate and prevent wrist pain from ALL hands-on-the-ground workouts (if your wrists hurt in yoga, this will change your life all by itself!)

✅  Unlock your built-in braking system (this is the KEY to making sure you don’t flip over and land on your face)

And hyper-specific cues for each pose like:

➡️ The small and usually unnoticeable “divot” on your upper arm that gives you a “leg hold” to make single-leg balances a WHOLE lot easier

➡️ The magical hip-rotation trick for flying side crow in MINUTES, even if you’ve been falling over for years!

➡️ How aiming your foot like a cannon locks in your Eight Angle pose

➡️ The specific “knee-swivel” for balancing the most stunning Fallen Angel without spending a single minute getting stronger

➡️ How to make your hips a balancing “see-saw” for the Two-Handed Croc pose - your jaw will hit the floor when you feel yourself calmly hovering above the ground!

… and SO much more!

This is just 10% of what we cover - it’s the most simple yet comprehensive training so you can FINALLY arm balance with ease!

After this you’ll pretty much be a Yoga Ninja already…

But we’re not done!!!


Modules 5-8


Arm balances are great, but this next part is where the REAL dreams come true.

That feeling when you land your first handstand, headstand, or forearm stand… 😍😍😍

I can’t even put it into words.

It is one of the BEST feelings that you’ll EVER experience in your life…

And in these modules I give you the KEYS to unlocking that feeling as you turn your world upside down!!

You know “That Person” in yoga class who effortlessly pops into forearm stand, while everyone else's jaw is on the floor, wondering how they make it look SO easy?

After Yogi Flight School, that will be YOU!

Whether you’ve been stuck on the wall foreverrrrr, or are a complete beginner who hasn’t even tried...

The complete, no bullshit step-by-step training for your handstand, headstands, forearm stand and chinstand will have you upside down before you can say "whaaaat!?"

I detail the exact steps for each pose, making it nearly impossible to not succeed… (literally the only way is if you never practice and never ask for coaching.)

Here’s a sneak peak at some of the special tricks you'll have access to at your fingertips:

You'll get immediate access to…

➡️ The “banana back hack” to balance your inversions EVEN if you have tight shoulders or short arms!

➡️ Busting every yoga teacher's favorite lie... Why “pull shoulder blades down your back” is a cue that's actually holding you back…and what to do instead.

➡️ The ONE specific stretch can help add a quarter inch to your reach in just a few minutes. This makes all the difference in landing your first inversion!

➡️ The core strength “Activator” that uses the strength you already have to fly with ease!

And “Inversion Secrets” you won’t find anywhere else like:

➡️ The “L finger trick” that pinpoints the exact spot on your head to put on the ground for headstands so you can balance effortlessly with little-to-no risk to your neck! (Get the placement wrong and you’ll topple RIGHT over)

➡️ THE fail-proof technique to get OFF THE WALL in record time and eliminate your fear of falling so you can balance anytime, anywhere!

➡️ The keys to my personal favorite, the Scorpion pose! (Actually EASIER than regular handstands - your LEGS are responsible for balance, NOT the strength of your arms or shoulders!!!)

➡️ The “cliff edge" Chinstand hack that makes progress SO MUCH easier… You’ll be amazed how quickly you nail this show stopping pose!

➡️ The “un-headstand” headstand for Ninjas with neck injuries so you can invert without applying pressure to your neck.

➡️ Know the “warning sign” that tells you if your elbows are positioned incorrectly in Forearm Stand, and how to find the exact right placement for YOUR body to balance, FAST!

➡️ The simple tools that get you upside down in minutes, EVEN if you’ve never done an inversion before!

EVERYTHING you need to balance inversions in the middle of the room is here!

Join now and get the most complete (and fun!) step-by-step training  and become an inversion badass!

If you're thinking "Wow, that looks great! But what is it going to cost?"

I'll get to that in a second. First I need to tell you...

Yogi Flight School actually SAVES you money!

Lemme tell you why.

Those $47 courses? They look like a good deal - but actually end up costing you more.

They give you a TINY FRACTION of what you need to know, so you’re roped into buying MULTIPLE COURSES… and spending more money.

You’ll end up spending more to ‘piecemeal’ things together...

And these courses don’t even come CLOSE to what you get in YFS.

They don’t include our proven methodology, 30+ poses for one low fee, mindset training, 50+ Vinyasa yoga classes, or a team of 12 coaches giving you personal feedback anytime you request it.

They also focus primarily on DRILLS.

Drills are helpful, but they're NOT what gets you FLYING!!

We are currently the ONLY program that teaches the variety of poses that we do, in one, lifetime access bundle!

And we've got the reviews to prove that it works.

You could also take weekend arm balance & inversion workshops at yoga studios...

Those would usually run between $40-$50 for a 90 minute workshop.

When it's over, it's over! You don't get feedback after the fact, and you can't revisit the information later.

You could work 1:1 with a private handstand or arm balance teacher.

Private lessons typically run $150-$300 per hour.

You'd need 10-20 hours to be proficient with most of these poses....and that adds up!

With Yogi Flight School, you get EVERYTHING you need to nail your arm balances and inversions.

But it doesn't end there...

I am committed to you having THE BEST results possible with the LEAST amount of effort.

So I'm going to hook you up with these bonuses to SKYROCKET your results,
absolutely free!

That's $3,389 in additional value!

 Bonus #1: Personalized Coaching
Value: $699

The big issue people run into is they don’t know what they’re doing wrong. That doesn’t happen here!

Our team of 12 expert coaches is here to help you, 24/7!

No matter what time zone you’re in, coaches are always online to support you ASAP.

Just post a video, and a coach responds with a fix - often in just MINUTES.

Immediately go from “I’m stuck” to “I’M FLYING!”

It’s like having a private arm balance coach in your pocket…

You get 1:1 coaching without paying 1:1 prices!

 Bonus #1: Personalized Coaching
Value: $699

The big issue people run into is they don’t know what they’re doing wrong. That doesn’t happen here!

Our team of 12 expert coaches is here to help you, 24/7!

No matter what time zone you’re in, coaches are always online to support you ASAP.

Just post a video, and a coach responds with a fix - often in just MINUTES.

Immediately go from “I’m stuck” to “I’M FLYING!”

It’s like having a private arm balance coach in your pocket…

You get 1:1 coaching without paying 1:1 prices!

BONUS #2: Online Community
Value: $299

Our community of thousands of ninjas will become your FAV online community!

With 20+ posts a day, our community is buzzing with badasses from all over the world who support the shit out of each other.

People say the course is worth it just for our fun, supportive, UPLIFTING community!

Get help, be supported, and celebrate your progress no matter how small.

The positivity, resilience, and BREAKTHROUGHS you’ll experience in the community improves not just your yoga practice, but also your LIFE!

BONUS #3: 50 Full-Length Vinyasa Classes
Value: $500

Put your new Ninja skills into action with the ever-growing library of full-length 60-minute Vinyasa classes!

Because doing a pose by itself is one thing - but flying in a flow is a whole other level.

(You won’t believe how smoothly I slip them in. You’ll be in an arm balance before you can say “how the heck did I even get here!?”)

Plus get 5 Yin classes to recover, restore, and increase flexibility.

This could be sold as a separate course - but join now and get INSTANT LIFETIME ACCESS to the entire library!

BONUS #4: The Chaturanga Masterclass
Value: $97

If you think “I can’t do push-ups,” this is the class for you!

A solid Chaturanga is not required for arm balancing, but it IS helpful for your yoga practice in general.

If you've been on the struggle bus with this pose, that struggle ends here!!

Here’s what awaits you inside:

➜ Discover how to create a strong foundation by “vacuum sealing” yourself to the floor

Fix the #1 mistake yogis make (hint: you aren’t stacking your shit)

➜ Learn modifications and alternate approaches to make the pose work in YOUR body

➜ How to find the “sweet spot” for holding Chaturanga without collapsing

➜ The “$100-dollar-bill trick” for rock-solid stability in your low plank

Your WHOLE BODY will thank you for this 2-hour Masterclass!

And it’s not just for beginners…

Even yogis who have been practicing for YEARS come away from this class with groundbreaking “ahas” that transform their practice!

BONUS #4: The Chaturanga Masterclass
Value: $97

If you think “I can’t do push-ups”, this is the class for you!

A solid Chaturanga is not required for arm balancing, but it IS helpful for your yoga practice in general.

If you've been on the struggle bus with this pose, that struggle ends here!!

Here’s what awaits you inside:

➜ Discover how to create a strong foundation by “vacuum sealing” yourself to the floor

Fix the #1 mistake yogis make (hint: you aren’t stacking your shit)

➜ Learn modifications and alternate approaches to make the pose work in YOUR body

➜ How to find the “sweet spot” for holding Chaturanga without collapsing

➜ The “$100-dollar-bill trick” for rock-solid stability in your low plank

Your WHOLE BODY will thank you for this 2-hour Masterclass!

And it’s not just for beginners…

Even yogis who have been practicing for YEARS come away from this class with groundbreaking “ahas” that transform their practice!

BONUS #5: Insider Secrets Interview Series
Value: $1,297

13 of the world's BEST hand balancers spill their secrets in this exclusive interview series!

➜ Discover the kindergarten trick people are using to finally nail poses that have evaded them for 20 years

➜ The “shoulder lock” that creates stability so you balance with minimal effort

➜ How to use ‘yoga as medicine’ at ANY age for long-term physical and mental health

➜ Don’t make this mistake when practicing handstands (it should be your #1 priority!)

➜ What a Las Vegas acrobat performer does to hold show-stopping poses “as long as you want!”

… and SO much more!

Take their actionable game-changing strategies into your own practice and do what only the pros know.

Each of these teachers charges an (inverted) arm and a leg for 1:1 time, and you get to learn from them absolutely free!

BONUS #6: Mindset Mastery
Value: $497

Flying the pose doesn’t start on the mat. It actually begins in your mind.

Let’s face it - it’s kind of a mindfuck to go upside-down, right?

You’ll come away with unshakeable Ninja confidence that benefits you way beyond yoga.

This newfound “FUCK YES, I CAN DO THIS!!!” belief in yourself conquers your fear of falling and improves your entire life!

People have called me “insane” to give all this away for such a low price!

You get THOUSANDS in value, all for just one low payment…
And LIFETIME ACCESS to content you’ll enjoy for years to come!

❕Yoga Teachers❕

 Make your class the one EVERYONE wants to attend!

We all know that teaching (or practicing) arm balances and inversions has no bearing on how good of a yoga teacher you are. Zilch.

AND... it is incredibly rewarding to help your students unlock challenging poses JUST LIKE THAT when you have a methodology that WORKS.

Having language and cues to get your students into these poses will breathe new life into your classes and set you apart from other teachers in your area!

Secretly, it's also an awesome business expense and a tax write-off :)

You'll get 30 Continuing Education Credits!

Yogi Flight School awards registered yoga teachers 30 CE (Continuing Education) credits with the Yoga Alliance and The Association of Yoga Professionals.

Simply request a Certificate of Completion once you complete the lessons to register your CE hours.

Okay, okay... I know that you're waiting for me to tell you about the investment to become a yoga ninja, so here it goes...

I thought long and hard about the price of this program.

Nathania Stambouli handstand

I’ll be completely transparent with you…

I COULD charge thousands if I wanted.

The transformations my students create are just THAT profound.

There ARE people that would give the world to simply land a handstand.

I’ve certainly got the proof that the method works.

But I’m not going to.

Nor am I going to charge the thousands of dollars I charge for my in-person retreats with 1:1 time teaching you the EXACT fundamentals of how to do every single pose in the book.

The price you pay today…

Won’t even be a thousand…

Or half of that for that matter…

You see, my mission is to create as many yoga ninjas as possible and empower as many people as I can to believe in themselves and make these poses possible in their practice.

And for that vision to come to life, I get to make it accessible.

Get all that's inside

Yogi Flight School

Including everything you need to balance on your hands and upside down for

ONLY $247

Gain access to all of my years of knowledge and experience coaching thousands of people packed into an easy-to-follow program.

And it'll cost you JUST $8.23 to unlock each pose.

If you came to me and said “Nat, I wanna learn Forearm Stand,” and I told you “Awesome, let’s do it. That will be $8.23.”

Would you consider that a fair price?

Most people would consider it a STEAL!!

I'm in! Join Yogi Flight School ($247)

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Prefer a payment plan? Click here for 4 payments of $77

“This is the best investment I’ve made!”

“In 20 days, I made more progress than in 20 years!”

I GUARANTEE you’ll fly in 14 days,

or get DOUBLE your money back!

After teaching 10,000+ people to fly inside Yogi Flight School, I KNOW the Yogi Flight Method® works.

That’s why I have a crazy “Double Your Money Back” guarantee.

If you follow the program, do the practice, ask for coaching and can’t fly within 14 days of purchasing, simply send us a 10-minute video of you practicing the fundamentals from Module 1 to show us that the methodology isn’t working for you.

If we STILL can’t get you flying after direct personal coaching from me and my team, you'll get DOUBLE your money back.

That’s $494 in your pocket!

You either get results, or you make money.

However, Yogi Flight School is only for people who are committed to flying, which is why we ask for a video of you doing the work.

If you like to purchase programs, check out a couple of videos and ask for a refund, this isn't for you.

We’ll do whatever it takes to give you wings, but nothing will work for you if you don’t actually DO the work.

If you follow the program, your results are GUARANTEED!

Join Yogi Flight School! ($247)

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Prefer a payment plan? Click here for 4 payments of $77

On the fence?

You've got one of two choices…

Option #1

Stay where you are.

That might mean saving Instagram tips, searching YouTube for THE THING that will make you balance... going to weekend yoga workshops or piecing together your handstand in 3 minutes at the end of class.
You'll make progress for sure, but it will be slow and you'll continue to be confused about what's missing between you and FLYING.

Option #2

Start flying TODAY!

Join your new community of fellow yoga ninjas from all over the world, with step-by-step, clear AF training, all the modifications and support you could need to make the poses happen in YOUR body... and people who REALLY give a shit about your success.
You could be flying a new (or your first!) pose by the end of the day, no joke.

If you’re still here, it’s a sign.

It means that your other attempts haven’t worked…

❌ YouTube & Instagram tutorials haven’t broken down all the steps you need

❌ Most yoga teachers don’t know how to teach this (and if you’re a yoga teacher, we can help you!)

❌ Practicing the wrong techniques keeps you stuck

❌ Even if you have the right steps, fear of the “Oh Shit!” point holds you back


People just like you are FLYING, even if they thought…

✅  “I’m not strong or flexible enough”

It doesn’t matter because the YFS Method doesn’t rely on strength or flexibility!

Plus you’ll be AMAZED how strong your core, wrists, and arms become just by following the lessons (no boring dumbbells in sight!) 💪


✅  “I’m too old”

Pfft, tell that to the Ninjas who learned to fly in their 60s and 70s!

In fact, doing bodyweight training like this is super helpful as we age to maintain bone density and mobility. Plus it makes us feel younger!


✅  “It’ll take me FOREVER to fly”

Whether you’re brand-new or you’ve been practicing yoga for YEARS, Yogi Flight School will have you flying in just 14 days OR LESS. We don’t fuck around!


✅  “It’s cool, but MY body can’t do that”

You might think your butt’s too big, legs are too long, arms are too short - but none of that’s true.

People of ALL shapes and sizes fly, because the YFS method zeros in on your “unique tipping point” that is personalized to your body!


✅  “I don’t want to hurt myself”

Great, I don’t want you to either! That’s why you get to have step-by-step training that explains exactly what to do every step of the way, so you always feel safe and in control. 

Ninjas are doing “this crazy shit in just 8 weeks!”

Ready for this to be YOU?

You know that trying to do this on your own just doesn’t work.

(If it did, you wouldn’t still be reading this!)

If you want the proven methodology to fly in record time…


➡️  Step-by-step no-bullshit training from warm-up to landing

➡️  Ninja mindset hacks for inner strength and badass confidence

➡️  Fly without fear using your built-in ‘safety system’ for painless falls so you can practice with confidence

➡️  Fun community of yogi friends who support you and celebrate you

➡️  Team of expert coaches who get you on track in minutes

➡️  And to be a fucking NINJA who can pop into any arm balance or inversion, on-demand, anytime. BOOMSHAKALAKA!


Then join us inside

Yogi Flight School!

Total value: $4,386

Get instant LIFETIME access now!

Only $247

Click here to join NOW!

Prefer a payment plan? Click here for 4 payments of $77

Because I actually give a FAQ...

End the Frustration!

Get upside down and on your hands! Bust through "I can't" into "I did it!"


Yogi Flight School

Get instant access now

only $247

You owe it to yourself to finally nail the poses you've been drooling over since you started your practice and save yourself years of frustration!

Join Yogi Flight School

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Prefer a payment plan? Click here for 4 payments of $77

Yoga Arm Balance Course