It was 2015. I was in the best shape of my life, and in the worst physical pain.
I was teaching 25 yoga classes and 4 fitness classes every week. I was strong, I was fit, and my body felt like it was falling apart.
I would slip on my yoga pants to go teach class each morning, feeling the nag of that familiar dull ache deep in my hip.
If I tried to actually use my hip, like sit for any period of time, or stand one on leg (um, yoga teacher here) or step my feet apart into a squat, I would feel searing pain shoot down my leg. Something was wrong.
Since I was young and healthy, it took me a while to get to a doctor. When it got bad enough that I finally caved, I saw my general practitioner who referred me to a sports injury specialist, who had me do an MRI - and the results came back fine.
No labrum tear, no joint degeneration. Just PAIN, with no solution in sight.
To add insult to injury, my right shoulder restricted me from a lot of things.
It hurt when I reached up to grab something off a high shelf.
It hurt in Downward Facing Dog.
It hurt when I wrapped my arm behind my back.
But there was technically nothing "wrong" there either.

So I stretched, and stretched some more. And figured if I stretched enough, maybe things would stop hurting and I'd get my body back.
I don't have to tell you, but it was a long year.
One night, more miserable than I'd ever been, in constant, nagging, deep joint pain, I grabbed a tennis ball that was laying around and stuck it into my outer hip to try and relieve some of the pain.
What I experienced that night changed my life. And that's what I'm here to share with you.
What I discovered was so earth-shattering that I decided to put together everything I learned and help others heal their own pain and change how their body moves.
Get ready to have your mind blown.
If it's been months and you're still...
- In physical pain...you feel that familiar dull ache deep in your body. After snap-crack-popping you back into place, your chiropractor says “just come back and see me every 2 weeks,” as though that’s a desirable long-term solution to living without pain. 🤕🤕🤕
- Stretching, working on opening your shoulders for handstand, and stretching your hamstrings for that elusive “pancake” forward fold. They say that more flexibility is what you need, so you’ve been stretching….and stretching….and stretching….but the gains are sooooo slow, you’re starting to wonder what's wrong with you... or if it’s even worth it. 🤸🏽♂️🤸🏽♂️🤸🏽♂️
- Feeling that nagging pain when you move your shoulder in this particular direction. When will you remember that moving your shoulder this way always hurts? 😖😖😖
- Trying to get your range of motion back after an injury or surgery. No matter what you do, your body feels "stuck" and like you can't move as much as you should be able to.
- Frustrated AF that your body seems to be falling apart, WTF!
It doesn't have to be this way.
We blame our aches, pains and mobility restrictions on muscles, bones, joints and old injuries - because that’s how we’ve been taught that our body works.
"I’ve got bad joints."
"I'm just super tight."
"This old injury from 8 years ago just never healed right."
"I'm just getting older."
The problem is, by blaming the wrong thing and saying "something's wrong and it's just the way it is," we give up our power completely --- to doctors -- to our beliefs --- and to our pain and limitations.
And then everything in our life suffers. There’s nothing worse than feeling like your body is giving out on you.
The thing is, it isn't giving out on you.... it's giving you information - and your job is to listen to what your body is trying to say, and to take your power back.
We've been led to believe that only doctors or medical and wellness professionals can help us heal our bodies.
We've been told that our muscles, our bones, joints are what degenerate and cause us pain.
We've been taught that medication and expensive therapies are the way to reduce pain.
We've been taught that your body breaking down is an inevitable part of aging.
We've been told that stretching a muscle over and over will make it "longer" and increase our flexibility.
We're also taught to treat the SYMPTOM instead of the source.
Everything we've been taught has kept us powerless, and strangers to our bodies.
You're about to forever change your relationship with your body, its pain and your ability to heal yourself.
I am so excited for you!
How does your body communicate with you?
Through Fascia.
Fascia is a continuous network of connective tissue that surrounds every organ, muscle and bone in your body.
It provides structure to your muscles and allows you to stand upright, to balance, to know where your body is in space and to move smoothly and with control.
It is our biggest sensory organ - even more powerful than the nervous system - and allows information about what you’re perceiving in the world to reach your brain. It’s how you make sense of, and how you move through the world. Pretty freakin' cool!
Healthy fascia allows muscle and tissues to glide smoothly against each other, and promotes the flow of fluids throughout the body. This means that when your fascia is lubricated and healthy, you're not in pain, you can move freely and nothing "catches" in your body when you move.
That's nice, but how is fascia responsible for my pain and lack of mobility?
Shit starts to go wrong when fascia gets restricted or becomes "fibrotic." It does a number of things like:
- Constricts around nerves and blood vessels
- Sends signals of pain to your brain.
- Prevents your muscles from contracting and relaxing properly
- Reduces your range of motion
Why and how does this happen to fascia!?
Basically...because you're a human living your life.
Fascial adhesions or restrictions happen because of repetitive motion, overuse, injury, surgery or scarring, stress, emotional trauma and immobilization. That's right - not moving can restrict your fascia too!

Restricted fascia causes trigger points.

A trigger point is a spot on the body that triggers a pain response. (A spot that hurts).
Because of its shape and function, a fascial restriction or adhesion in one area of the body can “pull” on the tissues in another area of the body.
This means that a trigger point can hurt locally on the spot you touch, or it can send pain somewhere else - called “Referred Pain.”

Everything is connected...
Your muscles are connected by fascia along what are called "myofascial chains."
We have 6 myofascial chains in the body that transmit force as you move and load different bones and joints throughout your day.
When a fascial restriction exists anywhere along the chain, it *usually* causes pain in joints above or below the adhesion.
This is important because...
If your shoulder hurts and you or your doctor are only looking at your shoulder, you are potentially missing crucial information about the source of your pain!
Understanding myofascial chains and the pain referral patterns of trigger points and how they show up in your body is KEY to identifying and treating the SOURCE, not just the symptoms of your pain. This is the practice of Myofascial Release.
Self Myofascial Release is the most effective way to heal pain in your body and expand your range of motion without expensive treatments or months of incessant stretching.
It's a short-cut to feeling better and moving better in your body!

Simply put...
Myofascial Release allows you to improve range of motion in any joint, in any body, in a very short amount of time.
Check out my student Winnie who used the Myofascial Release techniques she learned to help her husband increase his mobility so he can move more easily in his day-to-day life.
Look at this crazy improvement in the range of motion at his hip - in JUST a few minutes of work!!
The best part? With regular MFR, the results are PERMANENT!

Hey, I'm Nathania.
Yoga Teacher, Myofascial Release Junkie, Cat & Coffee Lover
When we left each other a few scrolls ago earlier on the page, I was telling you about the night that changed my life... The night I took a massage ball to my outer hip.
I continued working with the ball and within a couple of weeks…my pain was gone…and I shit you not....it stayed gone.
Out of sheer desperation and necessity, I had stumbled upon what I would later discover to be THE most effective and underrated self-healing tool that exists: Myofascial Release.
Since then, I've dedicated thousands of hours to releasing all the excess muscular tension in my body that had been causing me pain and movement restriction.
I read books, took trainings and facilitated myofascial release sessions for my yoga students, friends and family….

MFR unlocked my splits. That's a picture of me in splits without a prop for the very first time after unlocking my psoas and iliacus muscles with MFR. The look of shock and surprise on my face says it all!
My shoulders are now open enough to hop into Forearm Stand or Handstand without a shoulder warmup, and I can twist without feeling my side body restricting me. FREEDOM!
I completely transformed the range of motion in my my body and and more importantly,
anytime I'm in pain, I know what to do to help it.
It goes without saying that I can't possibly know this and not share it with people.
Imagine this for a second...
Imagine you had an easy, clear way to find where the pain in your body is coming from.
Imagine you could zero in on the exact trigger point that is causing you pain, and experience relief within minutes.
Imagine you had a technique to increase your range of motion significantly in a matter of SECONDS before practicing your favorite arm balance, inversion, backbend or flexibility pose?
How would it feel to be able to help your own students, friends or family relieve their pain?


Your Key to Lasting Pain Relief & Increased Mobility
Feel Better. Move Freely.
By the end of UnFuck Your Fascia, you'll have gained:
- Techniques to eliminate chronic aches and pains caused by muscles & fascia
The ability to increase your range of motion in joints that feel “stuck,” faster and more easily than with stretching alone
A feeling of freedom and space in your entire body
A shortcut to help you prepare your body for challenging physical achievements and a life-long solution for muscle recovery
This program doesn't replace medical advice, but it will transform your relationship with your body and your understanding of how it works.
Let's Talk Details
What's Covered?

In addition to follow-along videos to release the fascia around each muscle individually....
These are easy-to-follow visual PDFs that outline exactly which muscles to MFR to target specific types of pain.
Become a detective and explore muscles along each myofascial chain to figure out the one(s) causing you pain.
Relieve it in minutes and feel better instantly!
- Neck, head & shoulder pain
- Headaches and migraines
- Jaw pain and TMJ syndrome
- Upper back pain
- Lower back pain
- Shoulder & rotator cuff pain
- Ribcage & pain while breathing
- Wrist and elbow pain
- Shin splints
- Knee pain (not related to ligament tears)
- Foot pain and plantar fasciitis
- Hip and SI joint pain

Take a Peek Inside!
Take a 5-minute video tour through the program. See how it's presented, what you get and what's covered!
UnFuck Your Fascia
A comprehensive myofascial release program that not only shows you how to release trigger points in 50+ of the major muscles in you body, but how to find them for yourself so you can move pain-free for life!

- 24/7 access so you can release your fascia anywhere with a mobile phone, tablet or computer. You can even stream OFFLINE through our nifty app!
- Work with follow-along and downloadable PDFs that detail MFR techniques for every area of the body
- Learn how over 50 muscles work, what movements they restrict and how to release them!
UnFuck Your Fascia gets you from "what the heck is wrong with my body" to "omgggg I had forgotten what it feels like to not be in pain!"
PLUS! 3 Full Length MFR + Yoga Workshops...FREE!
Experience the magic of myofascial release when combined with a yoga class. It's incredible to experience the IMMEDIATE results of MFR playing out in complicated poses on your mat, in real time!
Practice these 3 workshops as often as you like. A $300 value, included when you join!

MFR & The Splits

MFR & Hollowbacks

MFR & Wheel Pose

Yoga Teachers!
Upon completion of the program, you'll be able to request your Certificate of Completion and register 40 units of Continuing Education with Yoga Alliance. The program includes Myofascial Release applications to yoga, making this a tax-deductible investment for you as a yoga teacher!
See what our students have to say!

I'll give it to you straight...
You could spend thousands of dollars on MRIs and wait for your insurance to reimburse you, if they ever do (I see you, my fellow US-based people!)
You could spend money on weekly or bi-weekly massages to help work out your aches and pains, knowing full well that the massage therapist rarely gets RIGHT into the exact spots you need, with the exact amount of pressure that you love.
You could continue to avoid your favorite activities because you’re waiting for your knee to stop hurting, your wrist to stop throbbing or your shoulder to feel better so you can finally play catch with your kids.
I did all of these things, and while some of them helped, none of them gave me the knowledge and the skills to heal myself anytime, anywhere — except Myofascial Release.
I won’t lie to you.
You can find information about how to release every muscle in your body on google or on YouTube.
You can find information about Fascia in scientific journals and in books.
The information is there if you’re willing to look for it.
But I’ve done the work for you. I’ve gathered the most effective myofascial release techniques and devised a system to help you figure out where your pain is coming from quicker than you would figuring it out on your own (or looking it up on YouTube).

“Myofascial release isn’t just a therapy; it’s a fundamental necessity for pain relief and unlocking your body’s potential for uninhibited movement.”
- John F. Barnes, Myofascial Release Treatment Centers & Seminars

I know first hand how frustrating it is to want to live your life and do your workouts, and to feel like your body's getting in the way.
And I firmly believe that part of the reason that EVERYONE doesn't know about MFR is that it's in doctors' best interest to keep this stuff under wraps. Because if we can heal our own pain....what's there for them to do?

“In the intricate web of the fascial system lies the secret to true pain relief and enhanced mobility. Self myofascial release is the master key to unlocking these transformative benefits.”
- Tom Myers, Anatomy Trains

“The scientific evidence is clear – myofascial release, especially through self-care practices, is indispensable for managing pain and revitalizing your body’s range of motion.”
- James L. Oschman, Ph.D, Energy Medicine University
Got Questions?
How long will I have access?
What if I'm working with an existing injury?
I have a medical condition, can I do this?
I have had a joint replacement, can I do this?
How do I access the course after purchase?
I'm pregnant, is this safe to do?

The keys to your mobility and your pain relief are inside.

To get the most out of this course you will need the following items (not included in your purchase):
- 2 tennis balls or massage balls
- 1 smooth foam roller (standard size)
- 1 yoga block

Yoga Teachers!
Upon completion of the program, you'll be able to request your Certificate of Completion and register 40 units of Continuing Education with Yoga Alliance. The program includes Myofascial Release applications to yoga, making this a tax-deductible investment for you as a yoga teacher!