Balance Your Fallen Angel: A Pose Breakdown

Feb 19, 2025

Every time I practice Fallen Angel (in Sanskrit, Devaduuta Panna Asana), someone inevitably says, “That looks so pretty!” And honestly? I totally agree.

This asana literally represents an angel fallen from the sky, and because it looks so elegant, it’s a reminder that grace...

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Mind Your Words: Why Positive Self-Talk Matters

Feb 12, 2025

Let’s see if you recognize this pattern: your friends are attempting crow pose for the first time, and they face-plant straight away. You see the frustration in their eyes, so you jump in, reassuring them it’s totally normal, it takes time, but they’ll get there! You offer a...

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"Can You Go Deeper?" (And What That Actually Means in Yoga)

Feb 05, 2025

Ah, the classic yoga moment: you’re holding Warrior II, those 30 seconds somehow stretching into what feels like 30 minutes, when the teacher drops the question: “Can you go deeper?”

At first, you think, "Sure!" and sink lower into the pose, only to feel discomfort. Is that what...

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3 Tips to Avoid Lower Back Pain on The Mat

Jan 30, 2025

Yoga is your BFF when you need a ‘pick-me-up', to de-stress, or just feel good! It is one of the best forms of movement and is often recommended to improve back pain by increasing mobility and strength! So why is that, sometimes, it can feel like that same BFF stabbed you in the back when,...

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Be What's Missing

Jan 24, 2025

As a yoga teacher, I spend most of my time telling people how to move, breathe, and act - both on and off the mat. But here’s the kicker: sometimes I don’t take my own advice.

When I demo an arm balance, I almost always go for my “good side.” The side that makes me look...

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Say Goodbye to The Wall: 3 Tips For Freestanding Inversions

Dec 26, 2024

When you’re starting your inversion journey, the wall feels like your best yoga buddy: it catches you when you fall, gives you time to reset, and helps you piece together the puzzle of balance.

But as your consistency pays off (read more on staying consistent), it’s time to ditch...

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Discovering Mudita: The Art of Feeling Joy for Othersā€™ Success

Dec 18, 2024

The Brahmaviharas, known as the "heavenly abodes" in Buddhist tradition, are qualities that promote love, joy, and connection.

Among them is Mudita—empathetic joy, or simply put, the ability to celebrate someone else’s win like it’s your own. It’s about stepping out of...

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Leap and the Net Will Appear: Chasing Dreams On and Off the Mat

Dec 11, 2024

Have you ever faced a pose (or a life decision) that felt impossible until you just went for it?

There comes a moment when you must step into the unknown whether you’re terrified of face-planting in Crow Pose, or hesitating to start that dream project. It can be scary, but fear isn’t...

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Why You Canā€™t Bind Your Arms in Yoga (Spoiler Alert: Itā€™s Not Your Arm Length!)

Dec 10, 2024

You’re happily flowing on the mat, gliding through poses, and then the sequence lands you in Utthita Parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose). One arm reaches overhead, the other rests on your thigh, and everything feels just right.

Until the teacher cues: “You can stay here, or you...

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Why Contentment Beats Happiness: Embrace Santosha for a Fulfilled Life

Nov 28, 2024

There’s one thing everyone is searching for, right along with a solid crow pose: happiness.

We’re all a bit like Indiana Jones, engaged in the ultimate treasure hunt. After all, if we’re happy, we “have it all”, or so we’ve been told.

Think back to the last...

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